gplot procedure を使う
symbol statement の i = box を用いると、箱ひげ図を描くことができます。
多群のグラフを重ねる場合は、y * x = z の形式で指定すればよいです。
標本平均値も表示したい場合は、plot2 statement を利用すると追加できます。
proc datasets lib = work kill; run;
option linesize = 130 pagesize = 9999 mprint;
dm 'log; clear; output; clear';
%let execpath = " ";
%let Path = " ";
%macro setexecpath;
%let execpath = %sysfunc(getoption(sysin));
%if %length(&execpath) = 0 %then
%let execpath = %sysget(sas_execfilepath);
data _null_;
do i = length("&execpath") to 1 by -1;
if substr("&execpath", i, 1) = "\" then do;
call symput("Path", substr("&execpath", 1, i));
%mend setexecpath;
data boxplot;
call streaminit(8876542);
do group = 1 to 3;
do x = 1 to 5;
do i = 1 to 5;
y = rand("Normal", (4-group)**2 * x / 10, 0.2);
end; end; end;
proc sort data = boxplot; by x group;
proc summary data = boxplot;
var y; by x group;
output out = summary mean = m;
data boxplot; set boxplot summary;
goptions reset = all;
goptions ftext = 'Times New Roman' ftitle = 'Times New Roman';
goptions hsize = 6 in vsize = 6 in htitle = 1.6 htext = 1.6;
options linesize = 130 pagesize = 9999;
filename grafout "&Path.gplotbox.emf";
goptions device = emf gsfname = grafout gsfmode = replace;
proc gplot data = boxplot;
plot y * x = group /
noframe vaxis = axis1 haxis = axis2 legend = legend1;
plot2 m * x = group / vaxis = axis3 legend = legend2;
symbol1 i=boxt00 c=cx5ECD22 bwidth=6;
symbol2 i=boxt00 c=cxFAA55C bwidth=6;
symbol3 i=boxt00 c=cxE04251 bwidth=6;
symbol4 v=plus c=cx5ECD22;
symbol5 v=square c=cxFAA55C;
symbol6 v=triangle c=cxE04251;
axis1 label = (a=90 "Measurement") minor = none;
axis2 label = ("Group") offset = (7 7) minor = none;
axis3 label = none value = none minor = none
major = none order = -1 to 5 c = white;
legend1 label = none position = (top left inside)
across=1 mode = share offset = (3 0) value = (" " " " " ");
legend2 label = none position = (top left inside)
across=1 mode = share offset = (3 0);
run; quit;
boxplot procedure を使う
download (boxplot.sas)
shewhart procedure を使う
私は使ったことがないですが、shewhart procedure というものでも箱ひげ図を描くことが出来るようです。
(参考 SAS
Technical News Autumn 2007. Q& A.)
univariate procedure と capability procedure みたいな関係でしょうか?
- 2009/12/1 公開